Divine Providence Baptist Church



The Evangelism Committee is to promote an enthusiastic Christian witness in all aspects of life, and to foster in the church an active program of evangelism.

Men’s Ministry 
The Men’s Ministry will organize and lead a ministry that builds up and helps the men of the church become spiritual leaders and provides an avenue of outreach to men in the community.

Prayer Ministry
To help connect people to Christ through prayer. The Prayer Ministry aims to teach and lead the church in both individual and corporate prayer. To pray, intercede, stand in the gap and war on behalf of the less fortunate, saved and the lost.

Prison Ministry
This ministry has a passion for the lost. The Prison Ministry is to strengthen the incarcerated and their family through Biblical principles outlined in the Word of God. This ministry will also enable those who are incarcerated and their family to gain a better understanding of God’s plan of salvation.

Women’s Ministry
The purpose of mission is to stimulate a missionary spirit in the women of this church by prayer, study of the missionary message of the Bible, engaging in assigned and directed community mission activities and engagement.


The Christian Education Department is responsible for planning, implementing and overseeing the Christian Education program of the church.

Baptist Training Union (BTU)
The Baptist Training Union is designed to teach and train church membership in distinctive Baptist beliefs through the Word of God so that they will know how to apply it. The Goals and Objectives of the BTU is to teach:

– Church Etiquette, so that every member would know how to use it.
– Christian Ethics, so that God’s people will know how to conduct themselves in church.
– Christian Doctrine–the basis, so that false teachings will not intrude our Church.

C.H.A.N.G.E. YOUTH (Christ Has A New Generation Evolving)
The purpose of the Young People’s Department is to provide spiritual guidance and Christian leadership to children and youth; and, to instill Christian attitudes and spiritual growth in today’s youth to produce leaders of tomorrow in that God’s plan of teaching and serving may be fulfilled.

Christian Leadership School (CLS)
The aim of the CLS Program is to provide structured training and development activities that will take place at all levels of our Baptist denomination. Its goal is to better prepare individuals to become witnesses in accordance with Acts 1:8—”Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” (KJV).

Connect Me (New Members)
To connect and equip new members with the foundational, spiritual and practical knowledge to be a disciple at Divine Providence.

Sunday School
Sunday School for all ages is for the people of God to gain knowledge and insight into their mission and purpose. It is the vehicle by which the wise God of the Bible helps His children grow in grace.


The bond between Christians is like no others. We believe in cultivating relationships and strengthening these bonds between members of our church and we count it a responsibility and an honor to serve others as Jesus Christ served us.

This committee is to prepare and serve meals for the church as needed for any and all occasions.

This committee will also serve as the official greeters of this church to give guests and members a warm and welcome feeling; to let newcomers feel as if they are a part of the Church family; and to help those that enter to get in touch with the love of God and the spirituality of the church. Greeters will be asked to serve during special events also.

Ministers’ & Deacons’ Wives
Spiritually, this ministry is concern about helping and assisting the young women who are growing in grace by implementing programs that minister to their needs. Being the helpmeet to their husbands in kingdom building.

Nurses Health Unit
This ministry may consist of men and women who have passion for helping people. The nurses of this church assist members in this church during worship, funerals and other events.

Ushers Ministry
The Ushers give the first impression of the church, that’s why only members with a spirit of love and patience can serve in this ministry. The ushers in this church are ready and eager to serve and give assistant when needed. The ushers and nurses are so closely related in giving assistant to the members.


The main reason we come together as a family of God is to worship the Lord. When we humbly put our faith and trust in Him, we receive His blessing, guidance and peace that passes all understanding. We hope you will experience the healing touch of His grace when you worship with us.

Male Chorus
The Male Chorus is opened to any man (youth included) who desires to uplift the name of Jesus through song and praises, to inspire other men to know Christ and make Him known. To support the ministry of the church and enhance the worship services. The Male Chorus will also accompany Pastor when called upon.

Praise Dance Ministry
The Praise Dance Ministry is a ministry that honors God and inspires the congregation though the Creative art form of dance.

Voices of Divine Providence
The choir is a dedicated group of people who have joyfully accepted the opportunities provided for advancing the kingdom of God. The choir leads the aggregation of the church singing songs such as: anthems, gospels, hymns, and spirituals for building up the body of Christ.

Yadah Puppet Ministry
Yadah Ministry incorporates the creative art form of puppetry into Praise & Worship. It provides another avenue of participation and expression in ministry.

5. Media

The Media Ministry purpose is to amplify the Gospel message of Jesus Christ through the use of technology and media. It operates the Audio/Visual during services and maintains the websites.

The ministry provides quality media and electronic publications for distribution to those unable to attend services via CD’s, DVD’s, and social media.

Hatred stirs up conflict,

but love covers over all wrongs.
Proverbs 10:12

Service times

Sunday School – 9:00 am
Morning Worship – 10:30 am
Virtual and in Person

Contact Info

Phone: (260) 399-5134
Email: dpbc@divineprovidencefw.org

Our Location

Divine Providence Baptist CH